Parlour Bells @ The Rosebud Bar 6.17.2011

I’m a sucker for Parlour Bells.

There’s something about their ’80s inspired, moody pop that gets to me. It’s more than just the catchy tunes. Everyone in the band knows exactly what needs to be done. They’ve also got style to go with their substance. They’ve got showmanship. They’ve got a flask.

This Rosebud show proves that the fantastic set I caught at Brighton Music Hall a couple of months ago was no fluke. Parlour Bells are onto something.

Sidewalk Driver @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 5.27.2011

I sit here tonight editing photos of Sidewalk Driver at TT’s and Massachusetts is in the middle of some crazy weather. It’s mainly a lightning event here, but the storms out in western and central Mass are horrific. Tornadoes? Seriously? While I’m editing photos of Sidewalk Driver? This is just too weird.

As for the show, Sidewalk Driver is real. Sidewalk Driver is amazing.

Oh, I almost forgot. I’ve still got some video of Sidewalk Driver performing “Tornado” to edit. You might not want to get out of the basement just yet.

Brendan Boogie – The Cassingles (2011)

Brendan Boogie
The Cassingles

This is what Brendan Boogie does so well. He writes a catchy tune and pairs it with some witty lyrics revealing an unfortunate truth. Then he does it again. And again. And a fourth time for good measure. Now he’s got an EP’s worth of material. He throws it up online for a free download and throws a party at The Rosebud to celebrate. He’s done this five times so far this year. He’ll do it again next month. The man is an EP making machine.

The Cassingles is my favorite of these EPs to date. There are songs about porn stars, obviously doomed marriages and wanting to be Paul McCartney. Then there’s the one about falling in love with the significant other of a war veteran… with a Purple Heart. That’s just wrong, right? I mean, c’mon. Yet, somehow, Mr. Boogie manages to pull out some universal feelings in all of these songs. This guy may be a little too knowledgeable about the human condition for his own good.

Where to get it:

Parlour Bells @ Brighton Music Hall 3.30.2011

I enjoy the rare occasion when I don’t know much about a band the first time I see them. It’s nice when you can see a band without any preconceived notions. There really are so few surprises in life these days.

This is exactly what happened with Parlour Bells at Brighton Music Hall. I knew Brendan Boogie was playing bass in the band. I was also aware that his musical wife Magen Tracy and Best Intention Nate Leavitt were among the cast of characters. That was about it. I don’t think I had heard any of their stuff online. Nobody had really hyped them to me. Just going to check out something new.

Wow. Parlour Bells are pretty great. Glenn DiBenedetto is a mesmerizing front man with the vocal abilities to back it up. The more I see of Nate Leavitt on guitar, the more I am coming to the realization that he always knows exactly what to play. Magen Tracey provides keyboards and an all important female vocal to intertwine with Mr. DiBenedetto. Brendan Boogie and drummer Brandon Erdos prove to be a skillful rhythm section. The band has a confidence that can’t be faked.

They won me over.

Brendan Boogie And The Best Intentions @ The Rosebud Bar 3.12.2011

Mr. Boogie decided he was going to release one new EP a month for the first six months of 2011. He’s ambitious. This show at The Rosebud Bar was the release party for the third of those. He’s also a slacker and is skipping the month of April. Look for the next three EPs in May, June and July.

What The Hell Just Happened?!?

I think I just started a blog.

I mean, there are some pictures I took of The Russians, The Painted Lights and Sodafrog at Precinct back in January down there a little lower on the page. That was a good show. There are a lot of good shows here in Boston. I try to go to them when I can. I bring my camera with me and take pictures. I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve also been building websites for years. You’d think I would have done this sooner.

Time to get the goat by the horns and do something with all of these pictures I’ve got lying around. I’ll start by catching up on this year’s shows. Look for pictures of The Dirty Truckers, Watts, The Downbeat 5, Corin Ashley, Brendan Boogie and a bunch of other bands to start showing up here soon. I’ve got some videos to post, too. Look out Tom Baker!

Once I get caught up on 2011, I’ll start digging into the archives. I’m going to be busy…