Johnny Anguish is the guys that takes all of the photos you see on this site. He’s the guy writing this post in the third person right now. If you’ve ever wondered what his photos would look like hanging up in a wikked cool hotel, you’re in luck. For the next couple of months, some of Johnny’s favorite photos that have appeared on Daykamp Music will be on display at The Verb. How cool is that? It’s not just locals this time, either. Bands like Superchunk, Slayer, Imperial State Electric and X will be hanging side-by-side with Sidewalk Driver, Dirty Bangs, Township, Will Dailey, The Organ Beats and Petty Morals.
The opening reception is Wednesday, 1/27 from 6-9pm at The Verb. Come by and listen to Johnny awkwardly try to say artistic-sounding things. Or just look at the photos and grab a drink from Hojoko. That sounds fun, right?