Eddie Japan
Wow. I don’t even know how to describe what Eddie Japan is up to these days. “Movie music without the movie” doesn’t cut it anymore. Their sound is grand and layered. The lyrics, in this case inspired by Albert Camus, are colorful and well-considered. They play with passion and purpose. “Albert” brings all of this together in stunning fashion. Strings! Horns! Backing Vocals! Guitar twang! Breakdowns! Outros! Eddie Japan have found the perfect middle ground between their unabashed pop (“You Will Find Me Dead in My Comfort Zone”) and their love of the epic (“A Town Called Nowhere”). It’s the sound of thirteen musicians coming together for love.
Where to get it:
Full Disclosure: Nicole Anguish of Daykamp Creative did the artwork for this single. That’s why it’s so awesome. The artwork, not the song. I mean, the song is awesome, she just can’t take credit for that.