Former teen idol Doug Orey played the songs of The Field Effect* for an adoring TT’s crowd.
* …and an Elliott Smith cover and maybe something else. I’m old and forgetful.
Boston Rock Photos And Stuff
Former teen idol Doug Orey played the songs of The Field Effect* for an adoring TT’s crowd.
* …and an Elliott Smith cover and maybe something else. I’m old and forgetful.
Good things happen when Nate Leavitt plays guitar. I’ve seen it over and over with Parlour Bells, Old Jack, The Blizzard Of 78, Brendan Boogie and Phil Aiken. He’s got a way of leaving an impression. His solo sets are no different. Listening to Nate fingerpick the hell out of his Martin on “The World Today”* made me wish the song would never end.
* From his 2011 solo EP, Inference.
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Phil Wisdom (here are some songs he wrote with Buterknife in case you’re not sure why this is such a good idea).
OK, I feel better now.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen Abbie Barrett And The Last Date — too long for a band this good. Their set at TT’s is making me feel like I’ve been missing something.
Have I ever mentioned how great I think Airport’s songs are? Yes, I think I have. My feelings have not changed. They’re still keeping the flame of ’70s AM radio alive. They even did a cover of The Bee Gees’ “To Love Somebody” to further endear themselves to me.* Well played, Airport.
* That’s why they did it, right? Right?
If Parlour Bells got things steamy, Aloud got things sweaty! Talk about a band that leaves it all on stage. The music flows from every pore of their body. Aloud put on a powerhouse performance to cap off an amazing night of music at TT’s.
A huge thanks to Aloud, Sidewalk Driver, Dirty Wings (who came up from NY), Parlour Bells, Boston Band Crush and Daykamp Creative for a wonderful evening. We were so happy to be a part of it.
A couple of weeks ago, we presented a show at TT’s with our good friends over at Boston Band Crush. Sidewalk Driver was on the bill. I may have posted some pictures of these guys before. I kinda sorta like ’em a little bit. They’ve got these songs. Really cool songs. Songs about magnets and Tad’s face. And they play the hell out of ’em. They do all that while blowing confetti all over the friggin’ place.
One of my favorite things about a Sidewalk Driver show is telling my boys about it the next morning. As I was describing this particular show, Big Little One suspected I may be embellishing the tale a bit.
“You’re teasing.”
I assured him I wasn’t, although I understood his skepticism. It all sounded to fantastic to be true. It was too much for his six-year-old brain to process. I paused a minute to let him take it all in.
Then I told him about the parachute…