Sodafrog – Hang The Moon (2010)

Hang The Moon

Sodafrog’s Hang The Moon comes from another time. It’s folk music. It is heartbreaking, heartwarming and haunting. Tom Janovitz’s voice weaves in and out of the sparse and varied instrumentation. The overall sound draws you in with its intimacy.

“Follow The Vine” is an engaging opening track. “Central Nonsense” is beautiful and timeless. “Chances At Sea” calls Elliott Smith to mind. I love when a song title perfectly describes the feel of a song. Such is the case with “Like Dancing”. “A Casting” could have come off of a Simon & Garfunkel LP. The songs are memorable, living with you long after you’ve heard them.

The circular instrumental “Untitled (For Townes)” wraps things up nicely. It’s time to go. Given the chance, Hang The Moon is an album that will grow on you with every listen.

Where to get it:

One Down…

Week one on this here blog thing has been fun. So far things have gone better than expected (snow aside). Thanks for that.

Did you know there’s a Facebook Page for Daykamp Music? Check it out here.

Next week is going to be another busy one. Brendan Boogie And The Best Intentions, The Figgs, The Acre and The Irreverends are all on tap. You say you want more from The Dirty Truckers, Watts and Sodafrog? Consider it done.

What The Hell Just Happened?!?

I think I just started a blog.

I mean, there are some pictures I took of The Russians, The Painted Lights and Sodafrog at Precinct back in January down there a little lower on the page. That was a good show. There are a lot of good shows here in Boston. I try to go to them when I can. I bring my camera with me and take pictures. I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve also been building websites for years. You’d think I would have done this sooner.

Time to get the goat by the horns and do something with all of these pictures I’ve got lying around. I’ll start by catching up on this year’s shows. Look for pictures of The Dirty Truckers, Watts, The Downbeat 5, Corin Ashley, Brendan Boogie and a bunch of other bands to start showing up here soon. I’ve got some videos to post, too. Look out Tom Baker!

Once I get caught up on 2011, I’ll start digging into the archives. I’m going to be busy…

Sodafrog @ Precinct 1.29.2011

Sodafrog @ Precinct 1.29.2011

On a cold January night, Tom Janovitz and friends delivered an intimate folk set at Precinct.