I’m not sure there’s a better band in town at consistently taking the stage and laying down a sweaty set of rock ‘n’ soul than Aloud. They did it again this past Friday at TT’s for the Vary Lumar album release show.
Aloud @ The Middle East Upstairs 5.9.2014
What’s the proper way to usher your new album into the world? Well, Aloud celebrated the release of It’s Got To Be Now with a 19 song blowout of a set at a packed Middle East Upstairs. That seemed to work out pretty well.
Aloud @ Redstar Union 1.16.2014
Aloud @ Great Scott 8.31.2013
Aloud @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 2.26.2013
Aloud is one of those bands that kills it every time they take the stage.* Even when they play first on a Tuesday night.** What more could you ask for? A set full of gutsy pop hooks? Done.
* You know, a good band.
**Especially when they play first on a Tuesday night? Possibly. This is a band that does not take for granted that people came out to see them.
Mellow Bravo @ Radio 10.13.2012
Mellow Bravo had the crowd in the palm of their hand during Radio’s first anniversary. Most of the time The Hand was tossing you wildly around the room with their soulfully electric hard rock. Every once in a while The Hand took pity on you and gave you a sobering number to take in. The rest of the time The Hand Of Mellow Bravo was passing you a beer.
Cancer Killing Gemini @ Radio 10.13.2012
Cancer Killing Gemini closed out the side stage at Radio’s first anniversary party with their intense, electronic-infused, hybrid rock sound.
Aloud @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 7.27.2012
If Parlour Bells got things steamy, Aloud got things sweaty! Talk about a band that leaves it all on stage. The music flows from every pore of their body. Aloud put on a powerhouse performance to cap off an amazing night of music at TT’s.
A huge thanks to Aloud, Sidewalk Driver, Dirty Wings (who came up from NY), Parlour Bells, Boston Band Crush and Daykamp Creative for a wonderful evening. We were so happy to be a part of it.
Cancer Killing Gemini @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 3.2.2012
Whoa. I don’t know what I was expecting from Cancer Killing Gemini, but it wasn’t this. The band has an early Nine Inch Nails kind of sound, but with more of a back beat. So cool. Their set was aggressive, desperate, invigorating and ultimately very compelling. I look forward to checking these guys out again.
I guess the band’s singer, Eric Michael Cohen, was responsible for putting together the lineup for the Big Queer Rock Show. The night was a benefit for BAGLY (Boston Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Youth). That makes me like Cancer Killing Gemini even more.