It’s 2015, so we’re all aware that Doom Lover is awesome, correct? OK. Good. “Alright, Goodnight” continues the band’s tradition of songcraft that is hard to pin down. Is it atmospheric? Yes. Is it immediate? Also, yes. Is it eerie, frenetic or gorgeous? Yes on all counts. “Alright, Goodnight” changes from foreboding ballad to desperate anthem at the drop of a dime. All the while, harmonies hold your heart. Doom Lover have created their own musical world with a seemingly endless supply of songs that are slightly out of whack in just-the right-ways. I hope this well never runs dry.
Welcome to the Doom Lover Vaudevillian Spectacular!
Sights! Sounds!
Fights! Rounds!
New memories of old favorites!
Old memories of new favorites!
New memories of new favorites!
This one has it all!
If you think you’ve seen it before, look again!
What a way for a night to end!
Doom Lover brought down the curtain on their special event grand flourish.
Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. Have a look around. Can I show you a few photos of a band I really like? They’re called Doom Lover. They make sounds with their voices and instruments that make me happy. What more could I ask for?
Here are Doom Lover being all Doom Lover-y at TT’s. That’s about the highest praise I can think to give this musical collective right now. I dig what they do big time.
As a kid I had a cat named Pudge. He was a wee tiny kitten when we got him, but he grew up to be a pretty sizable feline with a bit of a belly. The name fit. Little did I know that spending my childhood with Pudge would prepare me for Doom Lover.
There’s always been something a little bit haunting and seductive about everything Doom Lover does. It’s right there in their name. When they released the eerie “Under The Alders” back in April, right before their appearance in the Rumble, they planted the seed. Until Everybody Dies shows how much they’ve grown. While a hint of the spring single’s darkness remains, Doom Lover pull back the veil on this EP. There’s an exuberance to these evocative recordings that’s hard to describe. Maybe it’s the joy of five people making music together. Maybe they’re secret optimists. Maybe their big hearts just can’t be contained. Maybe they are just lovers of doom, just like their name says.
There’s a show I’d like to go to just about every night somewhere in this town. Some nights it can be tough to choose just one. Friday night is going to be impossible. Fourteen lovable Daykamp Music alumni will be taking the stage at five different area venues on October 17th. My brain is melting. What to do? Let’s see if we can figure this out together.
The last time White Dynomite and The Field Effect played together was one heck of a show.
Doom Lover look harmless, but they’ll kill you and immortalize you in song.
If you’re caught up in the Boston Music Awards buzz and want to check out New Artist Of The Year nominee The Color And The Sound, then Church is the place for you. Bonus time! Doom Lover are on that bill, too. Daykamp Music loves them, but we secretly worry they’re plotting our demise. At least they’ll write a creepy-cool song about it. (FB Event)
Answerman eats PAs. I mean Answerman *at* PA’s.
How about Answerman and Barricades at PA’s with Go Blank and Emergency Exit? Couldn’t fault you for that one, either. (FB Event)
Just another ordinary Gondoliers show.
If you can’t find something to like in one of those shows, there’s nothing I can do for you. Oh wait! Yes there is! You can go see Gondoliers at Cuisine en Locale with Shepherdess and Planet Of Adventure. This show is being filmed. I can’t even image what Gondoliers have up their sleeves. I can’t wait to see. (FB Event)
Haunting and intimate, “Under The Alders” is one of the songs that really stuck with me during the 2014 Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble. Released just before the start of the event, Doom Lover conjure ghosts with theremin and guitar delay on this track. An eerie groove underscores the delicately intertwined harmonies. There’s an intensity to “Under The Alders” that is present even in the quiet parts. It stays with you. Close your eyes. You’ll dream of Doom Lover tonight.
Can’t get enough of the Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble? Have I got a treat for you! Here’s a word search featuring the twenty-four participants in this year’s event. Pretty great, right? Print one out for yourself. It’s fun! Share it with a friend. Give it to your kids. Maybe they’ll ask you who Airport is and you can play them “Knot Again.”* Maybe they’ll ask you what goddamn means because they already know Dracula is awesome. Or give it to a friend’s kid. When they ask who Gondoliers are you can show them these pictures.
This is Anngelle. She’s pretty good at this whole Rumble thing.
We’re half way through Rumble prelims week. I hope you enjoyed your Day of Rest. Things get going again tonight. Here’s the schedule for the rest of the week. In the meantime, these are some thing I’ve been chewing on…
Old Favorites GD Drax attack! Airport continues to amaze me. Based on the crowd response, I wasn’t the only one in awe. Sinnet played “Year of the Whale” like it was the last song on earth. So good. After catching the band a couple of times minus a member, I finally got the full Doom Lover experience. It was everything I hoped it would be. Arena-rockers-in-training The Life Electric played like TT’s was The Centrum. How good were Goddamn Draculas? You knew it was their night by half way through the first song.
New Faces Z*L has a sound inspired by the man who inspired the naming of The Rumble. Did you follow all that?
Lots of good stuff from new-to-me bands in the first half of the week. Z*L was a visceral experience. Their guitar reverb is still decaying. Tigerman Woah and Guillermo Sexo came highly recommended and delivered inspired sets. Rebuilder were the first band of this year’s event. They set the bar high.
Bubbles Vs. Feathers Vs. Confetti Barricade blasts bubbles. Sidewalk Driver sent confetti flying when they played The Rumble. White Dynomite famously filled the air with feathers as part of their pillow sacrifice to the Rumble gods. This year, it was bubbles floating by. Barricades broke out the bubble gun during their Tuesday night win.
Fun With Numbers Airport: Six Guys In Ties
The Fightin’ Fifty-Four: 54 performers have taken the stage to Rumble this year. Seven were part of quintets. There were also a pair of quartets, one trio and one duo. Airport trumped ’em all as a sextet.
Ties On The Rise: Two years ago, 5 different performers wore ties during The Rumble. Last year it was 8. We’re half way through the preliminary round and 10 performers have already donned ties (2 of the bow variety) in the 2014 Rumble.
I Can’t Count That High: How many notes did Emma Ate The Lion play during their set? Heck, how many notes did they play during a single song? Wowza.
Play Me Out When Particles Collide were having a pretty good set Monday night. Then they played “Constant Disaster” and the place went bonkers. Below are a few of the songs that have stuck with me so far. Now get thee to TT’s!