Where is the mystical fountain of classic riffage from whence Township drinks? The band heaved abundant slabs of rolling rock upon the Brighton Music Hall crowd at the Boston Does Boston benefit. They kicked off their set with the Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents cover they recorded for Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2 and never looked back. Magnificent.
Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents never fail to entertain. Their set at Brighton Music Hall for the Boston Does Boston benefit included holiday numbers, a Township cover* and a bunch of their ’60s-girl-group-meets-’70s-orchestral-pop originals. They’re one of the best live acts in town, nodoubtaboutit.
* Pick up the studio version of the Township cover on Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2.
The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library have a way with words and interesting instrumentation. They brought their modern indie folk and zebra prints to Brighton Music Hall as part of the Boston Does Boston benefit for the Animal Rescue League of Boston. They even performed the Gene Dante And The Future Starlets cover that is featured on Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2.
Nemes @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
Nemes are one tight live act. Their set at Brighton Music Hall for the Boston Does Boston show to benefit the Animal Rescue League of Boston warmed up the crowd on a cold December night. Event organizer Jason Dunn even joined the band for a cover of “House of the Rising Sun.”
Check out Nemes and 25 other acts on the Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2 benefit album.
Here We Just Dream @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
Here We Just Dream kicked off the first night of Boston Does Boston shows to benefit the Animal Rescue League of Boston. Their track on Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2 hinted at a prog nature, but a live set brought out all the stops. These are some talented players.
The Motion Sick @ Brighton Music Hall 7.13.2013
The Motion Sick recently played a reunion show at Brighton Music Hall. Phew. I never had a chance to see them in their first go ’round. I’m not sure why that is, but it seems odd to me now. I always liked their records. I’m a huge fan of their “30 Lives” video. I’ve seen Michael J. Epstein, Matt Girard and Travis Richter play in a bunch of other bands (and now Patrick Mussari after he opened this very show with his new band, Wash Pool). Now I’ve seen The Motion Sick live. They sounded great. I feel much better.
Parks @ Brighton Music Hall 7.13.2013
Every Parks gig feels like an event. They’ve scored some sweet slots on big shows. They’ve played with some great bands. They Rumbled. The band’s most recent show was doubly special: They opened for The Motion Sick reunion while simultaneously releasing their new 7″ single. Not too shabby.