Fat Creeps
Fat Creeps EP
Hey, remember this awesome Fat Creeps EP? Well, it’s now available on 10″ vinyl. Kids Like You & Me launched KLYAM Records a few months ago. Their first order of business was to press up some copies of last summer’s amazing Fat Creeps EP. Bravo, I say. It’s worth it. I’ve written about how much I love these songs in the past. Now I can hold them. Let’s look at another pretty picture of the record:

The vinyl itself is pretty sweet. I’m a fan of the 10″ format. It’s available in white or Coke bottle clear with a full color sleeve. I snagged the white. It was a really hard decision. Now the band is on hiatus and I’m sad. I should have gotten both…
Where to get it:
If vinyl ain’t your thing, I highly recommend picking up the digital bits.