Sodafrog – Hang The Moon (2010)

Hang The Moon

Sodafrog’s Hang The Moon comes from another time. It’s folk music. It is heartbreaking, heartwarming and haunting. Tom Janovitz’s voice weaves in and out of the sparse and varied instrumentation. The overall sound draws you in with its intimacy.

“Follow The Vine” is an engaging opening track. “Central Nonsense” is beautiful and timeless. “Chances At Sea” calls Elliott Smith to mind. I love when a song title perfectly describes the feel of a song. Such is the case with “Like Dancing”. “A Casting” could have come off of a Simon & Garfunkel LP. The songs are memorable, living with you long after you’ve heard them.

The circular instrumental “Untitled (For Townes)” wraps things up nicely. It’s time to go. Given the chance, Hang The Moon is an album that will grow on you with every listen.

Where to get it: