It’s sinking in. The news that The Phoenix has had it’s last words is hitting the area music scene hard. Others have written about the details and the impact on the arts community far better than I can. That’s not what this is about. This is about thanks.
My first published photo was in the pages* of The Phoenix back in 2001. It was for a feature on The Decals.** It was one of the first promo photos I ever took, as evidenced by the chain link fence in the background. I was beside myself when I saw it in print.*** My photo in The Phoenix?!?! No way! It really meant a lot to me.
I want to offer a personal thank you to all the folks who have championed the Boston music scene at The Phoenix over the years. You’ve given valuable exposure to so many bands I love.**** May you go forth like the seeds of a dandelion on a summer breeze. I hope you turn the whole F’n town yellow.
* With a thumbnail on the cover!
** Another footnote! Nicole Anguish was a member of The Decals. Her first design job was at The Phoenix. She’s now the creative force behind Daykamp Creative.
*** It felt a lot like hearing one of my songs on the radio for the first time, which happened to come courtesy of WFNX.
**** Including one I was in and one I married into.