The sounds of pensive exuberance, aching and wise, ride the waves of delay emanating from Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance…
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 10.18.2013
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance blow my mind every time they take the stage. Their presence at The Daykamp Poster & Photo Show was no exception. Their sound bends the space–time continuum as much as it blends genres. They are diametrically opposed to themselves. Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance are the tranquil freak-out.
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ Radio 3.7.2013
I’m at a loss. I want you to know how I feel when I watch Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance, but the words aren’t coming. “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture” and all that. Imagine standing in the sunshine with all the dark clouds held at bay. What do you call that feeling?
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ Paradise Rock Club 6.30.2012
WFNX has been sold to Clear Channel and will cease to exist as we know it. Time to celebrate!
Wait. What?
We Want The Airwaves: A WFNX Tribute was about three things: raising money for The Progeria Research Foundation; getting all sentimental about the ‘FNX that was; and looking to the future of the DJs, staff, artists and local music community the station supported.
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance are playing “What If It All Works Out” and that future seems bright. WFNX will live on in some form online. A bunch of the station’s on air talent are heading over to for a new venture. Sure, these outlets may not have the same reach as a commercial radio station, but what if they find a more engaged audience? What if they can connect with truly passionate music fans? Wouldn’t artists love that? Wouldn’t it be great to have the sounds of Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance heard by people who actually care? Let’s send their wall of layered guitars, dynamic bass lines, thunderous drums and vocal crooning directly to those who need it. Something needs to happen. It may all fail spectacularly, but that’s a worry for another night. I’m too busy watching Garvy J. rip another crazy-distorto solo on his 12-string acoustic guitar.
What if it all works out? Maybe it already has.
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.20.2012
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance’s 2012 Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble run was dazzling. Dueling EBows, distorted twelve-strings, a massive rhythm section, psych-tinged tunes and a smooth vocal croon all sparkled under the TT’s lights. It was simultaneously joyous, achingly gorgeous and slightly mind bending. Spectacular.
2012 Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble Winner: Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.13.2012
Anngelle Wood is introducing the band, but I’m not really paying attention.* Behind her, Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance are already stealing the show. Once they have the stage to themselves there will be no stopping them. Garvy J. is in full command of the situation, manipulating the crowd with guitar swells, a cool confidence and sonic bombast.
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance take Rumble Semifinal #2.
* During their preliminary round set, Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance launched into their set before Anngelle could introduce them.
Ghosts Of Jupiter @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.13.2012
Ghost Of Jupiter threw down another slab of vintage goodness during Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble Semifinal Night #2. The band plays a kind of throwback rock unadulterated by the music of modern times. It’s not ironic. They’re not mocking, mimicking or doing a tribute act. Ghosts Of Jupiter are simply their own child of the ’70s. These guys were locked in Friday night, laying down a heavy groove that would have made their forefathers proud.
Semifinal Night #2 Winner: Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance
Random Rumble Ramblings (Part I)

After a much needed day of rest, the Rumble returns with Preliminary Night #4 (Cask Mouse, Never Got Caught, Parlour Bells and The Fagettes) tonight at TT’s. Before I head out, here are a few thought on the first half of the week…
Old Favorites

It was great to see strong showings from some old favorites in the 2012 edition of the Rumble. The Rationales and Garvy J. took their nights, so I’ll be catching them again next week. Thick Shakes put on a raucous show to kick off their night. Cooling Towers did the same to close out theirs.
New Faces

One of the best things about The Rumble is being able to check out bands you haven’t see before. I’ve managed to catch 5 new bands so far. Ghosts Of Jupiter took Preliminary Night #3 and left me eager to check them out again next week. The Susan Constant was fantastic. I know they made some new fans on their night. The Tin Thistles brought with them the same devil-may-care attitude Mellow Bravo had last year. In the end, it’s just a big party, right? I also got my first exposure to Letterday and Grey Valley Ghosts. The biggest disappointment of this year’s event was not being able to catch The Grownup Noise. I’ve heard great things about them, but Paul Hansen slipped a disc in his back and they had to withdraw from the competition. Get well soon, Paul!
Lada Vs. Lada

This is my favorite story of this year’s Rumble. With Garvy J. and Ghosts Of Jupiter advancing to the semi-final round, Tommy Lada will be competing against himself on Friday the 13th. How much fun is that going to be to watch?
Fun With Numbers

- The third time’s the charm: All of the winners so far have come slot #3.*
- Strength in numbers: All of the winners have had 5 members. In fact, 7 of the 11 bands that have performed so far have been 5 piece bands. There was one trio, Endless Wave, and a trio of 4 piece acts.
- Two for one: 2 bands had covers in their sets.** 2 bands have had 3 guitars.*** Only Letterday had both.
Play Me Out
Animal Talk’s “Into The Sun” is just too damn catchy. That song, and a few of the other songs that have been stuck in my head after these first few Rumble nights, are below. Check them out, and then come out for the rest of the action. Here’s the schedule. Get thee to TT’s!
* The Rationales were scheduled for the third slot, but moved to the second when The Grownup Noise had to cancel. I’m still going to allow this little “fact” to stand.
** Letterday covered “Holiday” by The Get Up Kids. The Tin Thistles busted out The Misfits’ “Skulls”. Garvy J. had musical references to other songs, but no true covers.
*** Letterday and Garvy J.
Ghosts Of Jupiter @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.3.2012
Ghosts Of Jupiter just floored me. Their Rumble set was a clinic in heavy ’70s groove. Sure, huge sonic blasts of retro-riffage may not please everyone. Some people may write off their throwback style. That’s OK. Ghosts Of Jupiter probably can’t hear those people over the wall of awesomeness coming from the stage.
Ghosts Of Jupiter take Preliminary Night #3.
Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.2.2012 @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.2.2012
Wow. Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance just blew my mind. I’ve seen these guys before, so I knew they were going to be good. I wasn’t prepared for this. At times it seemed like TT’s would burst. Their Rumble set was so powerful, so joyous, that anything would have been possible. I can’t wait to see them again. I won’t have to wait long. Garvy J. And The Secret Pockets Of Hope And Resistance take Preliminary Night #2. They’ll be back for the Semi-Finals next week.