Where ya been, Parlour Bells? Haven’t seen you around much lately. Oh, you’ve been writing some new tunes like “Celebrities On Ice?” In that case, take as much time as you need.
It’s good to have you back, though…
Boston Rock Photos And Stuff
Where ya been, Parlour Bells? Haven’t seen you around much lately. Oh, you’ve been writing some new tunes like “Celebrities On Ice?” In that case, take as much time as you need.
It’s good to have you back, though…
D-Tension’s Secret Project was recently unveiled at The Middle East Downstairs. Backed by the tight and versatile Secret Project Band, D-Tension hosted a slew of talented collaborators to perform the electro-pop hits of the companion album. Cool idea. Well executed. Fun night.
As I was editing these photos I got word that Mellow Bravo guitarist Jeffery Fultz is moving to Boise, Idaho. We wish him the best, but this is a huge bummer for ‘Bravo fans. Sad face. The band will soldier on, of course, but we’ll miss Jeffrey’s riffs and showmanship. At least we’ve got some great memories of his time with the band, like Mellow Bravo’s set closing out last month’s big Indie Rock Ranger show at The Middle East Downstairs…
Even being aware of the band’s penchant for killer harmonies after seeing them open for Imperial State Electric, I was still taken aback by the way Goddamn Draculas can blend a vocal smoothie. Toss in some big guitars and you’ve got a recipe for… ugh, this is so silly. Forget I said any of that. Wait, don’t forget the part about the killer harmonies. That part was important. Anyway, here are some pics of Goddamn Draculas at The Middle East Downstairs…
Watts are a really good band. You know that, right? The big guitars are just the right size, drawing from Nielsen, Petty and The Brothers Young. The songs are equally at home over the radio or PA. Oh, and these guys know how to put on a show. It had been far too long since I had last seen Watts. Thankfully, Richard Bouchard came through with a stellar bill. Watts kicked off the night at The Middle East Downstairs.
With snow coming down heavily before the show and expectations of conditions worsening, there was legitimate concern before Indie Rock Ranger’s Holiday Spectacular that people wouldn’t be able to make it out to the show. Thankfully, this one played out like a cheesy Christmas movie. People did come out. Harris Hawk, Animal Talk, Parks and Sidewalk Driver all played amazing sets to a festive and growing audience. Then, Freezepop came out and put a giant electronic cherry on top of this delicious frozen treat. It was a wonderful show, Mr. Bouchard.