Tad & Kate… er… Breath & Honesty came out and played a few songs in support of Erin & Rob’s medical emergency fund. They put the power of “Hobo Boyfriend” to good use.
Tad & Kate @ Fort Warren 9.7.2013
Tad & Kate @ Moe’s Lounge 2.10.2012
So much good music at Radio this past Friday night! Quality tunes upstairs and down all night long. I shot down to Moe’s Lounge after Reverse’s amazing set just in time to catch Tad & Kate doing their thing as part of Keith Pierce’s new series, Practice. Keith even jumped behind the kit for a couple of tunes. His Mellow Bravo band mate, Seager Tennis, followed suit on bass. This is pretty cool. I want more!
Tad & Kate – “Radio” @ Moe’s Lounge 1.6.2012
Tad! Kate! Radio! Radio! Moe’s Lounge! Fun!
Tad & Kate @ Moe’s Lounge 1.6.2012
Tad and Kate. Kate and Tad. Hearing those two names together makes me happy. I think about plane crashes and the world coming to an end. I think about hobos, bad presents, karaoke and being kidnapped. I think about all of these things and I smile. It’s some kind of Pavlovian response. I’ve become so accustomed to being entertained by this duo that I just can’t help myself. At least I don’t drool.
Tad & Kate – “Bad Presents” (2011)
Tad & Kate
“Bad Presents”
Like some demented version of “The Twelve Days Of Christmas”, Tad & Kate bring you “Bad Presents”. Rogue Roombas, allergic reactions, over-sized turtleneck sweaters and the unfortunate outcome of a dog eating chocolate covered fruit-shaped flowers are not your typical holiday song fodder. Even so, any song with lines like “I don’t mean to sound naughty / But if I could stuff your stocking / With the heat that I feel when we touch” is bound to be a holiday classic.
Where to get it:
Tad & Kate – “Ya Know” @ Radio 11.3.2011
Remember how I said I wanted Tad & Kate to sing me to sleep? This could be one of the songs they sing. Yeah. This’ll work.
Note: I had some computer issues that kept me from posting this one sooner. File this one under better late than never, I guess.
Tad & Kate @ Radio 11.3.2011
Tad & Kate – “Car Broke Down” @ The Rosebud Bar 8.25.2011
Here are Tad & Kate performing the Tad & Kate/Sidewalk Driver song “Car Broke Down”.
Tad & Kate @ The Rosebud Bar 8.25.2011
Meet Tad & Kate: Two huggable, lovable musicians that sing songs for the whole family in perfect two part harmony. You know, if your family is into songs about plane crashes, kidnapping, hobos, karaoke superstars and exhuming celebrity corpses. But then, whose isn’t?
Let’s face it, I knew this was going to be good before I even walked into The Rosebud. I’ve seen enough of Tad and Kate in Sidewalk Driver to know they weren’t going to half-ass this thing. They didn’t. It was great. I can’t wait to see them again. That’s it.