Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.12.2012

These guys have to be some of the best musicians in town. Heck, Jeff Berlin’s drum check before the set started would put a lot of drummers to shame. Individually and collectively, the guys from Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck are playing at the top of their game right now. It’s impressive.

Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck take Rumble Semifinal Night #1.

Thick Shakes @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.12.2012

Thick Shakes got Rumble Semifinal Night #1 started with a bang. This outfit is a garage rock firecracker ready to take off some fingers. Pop! The songs came rapid fire, drenched in Farfisa and fuzz. The remnants of “Go Back To New York” and “Banned From The Laundromat” are still ringing in my head….

Semifinal Night #1 Winner: Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck

Streight Angular @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.7.2012

Streight Angular and their DayGlo entourage took to the TT’s stage to close out the Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble preliminary round. I couldn’t think of a better band for this slot. Streight Angular didn’t take their night, but they threw one hell of a party. Something tells me they’re OK with that…

Preliminary Night #6 Winner: Motherboar

Motherboar @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.7.2012

I’m going to keep this one short. Motherboar took Prelim Night #6 with the most ferocious Rumble set I’ve ever seen. Awesome.

Sherman Burns @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.7.2012

I don’t know what I was expecting from Sherman Burns on Preliminary Night #6 of The Rumble, but it certainly wasn’t this. This was a full on sonic assault delivered with deadly precision. It was impressive. I kept watching bassist Andrew Mildenberg wondering what would happen first, him flubbing a note or his head flying off. Thankfully, I don’t think either happened.

Preliminary Night #6 Winner: Motherboar

The Grinds @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.7.2012

How have I not seen The Grinds before? I’ve seen everybody in the band perform before. I’ve intended to see them before. Thank you Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble for finally getting me to see The Grinds. Their set to open Preliminary Night #6 proved what I always suspected. I really like The Grinds.

Preliminary Night #6 Winner: Motherboar

The Bynars @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.6.2012

I love the Rumble. It brings out the best in bands. The Bynars had all of their blips, bleeps, pings, pongs and blurps in perfect alignment during their set at TT’s for Preliminary Night #5 of the 2012 Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble. The catchy pop tunes underneath it all were precision tuned. The Bynars also had their sense of humor engaged, subtly pointing out that the song they had just played, “Dancing In The Dark”, was a cover. Well done.

Preliminary Night #5 Winner: Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck

Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.6.2012

Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck won over the Rumble judges with some amazing musicianship. These guys play to the song so well. They gather ’round Bow’s gritty tales, pick them up and carry them along to wherever they need to go.

Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck take Preliminary Night #5.

Brownboot @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.6.2012

Brownboot slayed. The band’s Rumble set had the feeling of a huge rock n’ roll band playing a secret show in a small club as a treat to their die hard fans. The guitars were loud, the songs brought the house down and everyone got sweaty. Talk about a band rising to the occasion. This was Brownboot’s finest moment. That was one hell of a show.

Preliminary Night #5 Winner: Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck

Pray For Polanski @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.6.2012

Pray For Polanski kicked of Rumble Preliminary Night #5 with a set of fierce, angular riffs and intense vocals. Their songs feel very personal yet strangely detached. I was caught pleasantly off-guard, much like guitarist Aviv Rubinstien was when he tripped over his amp. Aviv came up smiling and so did I. Once again, The Rumble has turned me on to a cool band.

Preliminary Night #5 Winner: Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck