Golden Owl @ The Middle East Downstairs 9.24.2011

Golden Owl (Aaron Rosenthal, Even Shore, John Sheeran, Lou Paniccia and Ryan Schmidt) was another band I got to photograph for their official One Night Band posters. The band had a loose Star Trek theme for their set. Shatner tie-in or not, “Name Your Own Price” is now one of my favorite songs.  I don’t even mean “favorite songs by guys that had only formed a band a few hours earlier”.  I mean “favorite songs to sing around the house because I just can’t help myself”.

I won’t pay full price for your love…

BatmanHalen @ The Middle East Downstairs 9.24.2011

BatmanHalen. The first act of One Night Band 3, the annual musician melting pot event put on by Boston Band Crush. The first band to make me truly wonder what may have been going on between Batman and Robin.

I had the honor of taking the band’s official press photo earlier in the day. Seeing John Colvert, Davina Yannetty, LoWreck, Jesse Sherman and Sarah Rabdau return that evening with three brand new songs (and a cover, of course) was pretty cool…

Meet Four of Boston’s Newest Bands!

This morning I had the pleasure of shooting the first promo shots of four of Boston’s newest bands.

One Night Band 3 is happening TONIGHT! Get yourselves down to The Middle East Downstairs to catch all the crazy action. Not sure what One Night Band is? Check out this here link for the lowdown. As part of the day’s festivities, the bands had to get a promo shot taken before they could embark on their musical journey. I handled four of the bands, Joshua Pickering took the other four (you can see all of the pictures here).

This morning was a blast. Tonight should be tons of fun. All of the proceeds go to Zumix, a very worthy cause indeed. C’mon down!

Walk Of Shame
Walk Of Shame

Golden Owl
Golden Owl

Flying Blue Squirrels
Flying Blue Squirrels
