Johnny Northrup @ Moe’s Lounge 9.15.2012

By the time Johnny Northrup took the stage, you could sense a change coming. The introspection of the previous sets was yielding to a more outspoken aesthetic. It was getting later. Johnny fit right in.

Jonny Pape @ Moe’s Lounge 9.15.2012

Jonny Pape’s Moe’s Lounge performance commanded attention. He showed off an impressive dynamic range within the confines of Radio’s wood paneled basement.

Phil Wisdom @ Moe’s Lounge 9.15.2012

Let’s get one thing clear: Phil Wisdom is dreamy.* It’s not just his dashing good looks, either. The dude has a masterful way with a pop hook. Swoon

* I know I’m right about this because Davina Yannetty agrees with me and she’s always right.

Gregory Kasabian @ Moe’s Lounge 9.15.2012

An early show at Moe’s Lounge started with Gregory Kasabian stripping down his songs for the folks in Radio’s basement.

Lonesome Red @ Moe’s Lounge 8.24.2012

In contrast to the adrenalin rush of a show Radio has going on upstairs, Moe’s Lounge is featuring some engaging, stripped-down performances. Earlier in the night I caught Ryan Lee Crosby bleeding blue. Now, Lonesome Red are delivering some stark Americana. Sometimes all you need are a guitar, a couple of drums and some voices to carry a tune.

Ryan Lee Crosby @ Moe’s Lounge 8.24.2012

After a youthful burst of punk rock from Problem Child, I head on down to Moe’s Lounge to see what’s going on. Ryan Lee Crosby’s tortured Telecaster is reverberating off of the wood paneling. They say guitar playing is all in the fingers. Ryan’s fingers sound like they’ve experienced one hundred years of sorrow. They leave quite an impression.

Chestnut Gowler @ Moe’s Lounge 5.4.2012

Friday night found an art show at Moe’s Lounge in Radio’s basement. This was the third installment of the Drop Ya Mic Pickup Yer Paintbrush series that is curated by Nicole Tammaro. There was a slate of musical performances to entertain the art aficionados in attendance. I got there late, but I managed to catch some of Chestnut Growler’s set of stripped-down punk folk tunes.* I’m glad I got in on at least a little bit of the fun.

* …and a hair metal cover.

Brendan Boogie @ Moe’s Lounge 3.30.2012

Brendan Boogie brought his new, as-yet-unnamed band down into Moe’s Lounge to show off some new tunes and scrape his knuckles on the ceiling. OK, the second part may not have been intentional.

John Powhida @ Moe’s Lounge 3.10.2012

John Powhida is a natural born entertainer. I don’t know which I enjoyed more: listening to the laid back solo version of “Daddy’s The Man” or learning the awful/hilarious story that inspired the song.* Win-win.

* Awfully hilarious?

Tom Baker @ Moe’s Lounge 3.10.2012

Tom Baker is a pretty great songwriter. He knows rock n’ roll. It was cool to hear stripped-down takes on some of my favorite Dirty Truckers tunes.

Evan Shore also knows rock n’ roll. When he joined Baker for some choice covers (including kick-ass takes on Elvis Costello and The Knack), there was no way it wasn’t going to be fun.