A magical band in a magical time and place. Airport at the Q Division Holiday Party.
Airport @ Lizard Lounge 11.6.2015
Airport @ Lizard Lounge 7.17.2015
Airport @ Lizard Lounge 11.22.2014
Airport @ Atwood’s Tavern 8.8.2014
Airport @ O’Brien’s Pub 7.11.2014
Watching an Airport show makes me feel like Benny from the Lego Movie. Just substitute “Airport!” for “Spaceship!” These guys draw from an endless well of perfectly crafted songs about modern life filtered through a ’70s AM Radio transmission.
Airport @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.8.2014
That there was damn near perfect. Airport just delivered the best set I’ve ever seen them play. These guys have some of the finest songs in the land. Tonight they delivered them with precision and heart. A great Rumble set.
Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble 2014 Prelim Night #3
Barricades (Winner)
The Life Electric
Airport @ The Sinclair 2.23.2014
Nicole Anguish of Daykamp Creative has been designing some amazing posters for Rock-n-Romp Boston since the event’s re-launch back in October. When she was tapped to curate the February edition of this family friendly rock show, it was no surprise that she called upon a band that gets a lot of play in the Daykamp Empire offices. Airport opened the show with their perfect mix of pop, rock, twang and ’70s AM radio nostalgia.
Airport @ Redstar Union 1.16.2014
Airport @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 10.4.2013
My goodness, do I love Airport. Every time I listen to this band I become more dependent on their glorious ’70s-radio-made sound. Here are some pictures of the band at the Boston Emissions with Anngelle Wood five year anniversary party.