Sidewalk Driver @ Oberon 5.24.2013

I’m looking around Oberon. It’s been a pretty crazy evening.* Sidewalk Driver is playing and people are dancing and singing along. Oh / you can’t help it / ’cause when you see it / you want to touch it. It’s one of the band’s newer songs. “My Face” is yet to be released, but that doesn’t stop people from getting snagged by its hook. They inevitably join in. That’s how good Sidewalk Driver is. Shut up.

Now, if only they’d put a little effort into their live shows…

* Tonight’s Bayou Bacchanalia was a fundraiser for the production of The Bacchae. If the show is anything like tonight’s festivities, it’s going to be pretty wild.

Walter Sickert And The Army Of Broken Toys @ Brighton Music Hall 3.16.2012

Walter Sickert and his traveling band of SteamCrunk gypsies make their way to the stage. It has already been an eclectic and memorable evening. Black Thai overpowered us with their thunderous roll. Sidewalk Driver made us a sandwich. Planetoid tried to power their spaceship with our souls and/or melt our faces — which is a better fate than Mary Widow and her seductress companions wished upon us. Now we’re being tipped on end by sights and sounds as varied as the night is long. The Army Of Broken Toys are putting their musical and physical wares on display in an attempt to bring the crowd under their spell. We tumble along, once again avoiding the grasp of Mary Widow as “Ghostbusters” rings through the rafters…

Planetoid @ Brighton Music Hall 3.16.2012

So… It’s not entirely clear to me if Planetoid’s goal is to melt faces or enslave the human race.* If a heavy dose of funk-injected hard rock is the way to accomplish either of these ends, then they seem to be well on their way to whatever devious plot they choose.

* Mary Widow, who joined Planetoid for a rendition of “Helter Skelter”, made it very clear that she wants us all dead. No confusion there.