Remember that time back in February when Township played a killer set at Great Scott to celebrate the release of Light Years on vinyl? Here are some pictures to jog your memory…
Township @ Atwood’s Tavern 5.7.2015
Township rippin’ new classic riffs is always a sight to behold. Atwood’s was the perfect backdrop for the band’s latest set of timeless tunes.
Township @ Midway Cafe 3.27.2015
This is Township. They are are good at rock ‘n’ roll.
Township @ The Middle East Downstairs 2.7.2015
You already knew that Township rules, right? OK. Just making sure we’re clear on that. They put on another killer show at The Middle East for the Goddamn Draculas release show.
Jenny Dee’s All-Star Jam @ Lizard Lounge 11.7.2014
How do you cap off a night that celebrated the release of new albums from Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents and Township? With an All-Star jam, of course…
Township @ Lizard Lounge 11.7.2014
Township. Man, oh, man. It ain’t gimmick, mimic, tribute or homage. It’s just the sound of five guys plugging in and riffing away. They released their new album at The Lizard and I can’t stop listening to it. That’s OK. Let it roll.
Township @ The Middle East Upstairs 10.17.2014
Equal parts muscle car and interstellar spaceship, Township brought Crash Safely to a magnificent conclusion. These guys are the stuff of legend. Their rocket-fuel-burning-454 of a set blew minds while raising money for the National MS Society.
Township @ Redstar Union 9.11.2014
Township are from another time. They may be from the past. They may be from the future. I’m not entirely sure. What I am sure of is that the slabs of riffage and rhyme they were laying down at Redstar Union last week made for one of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time. Good golly.
Township @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
Where is the mystical fountain of classic riffage from whence Township drinks? The band heaved abundant slabs of rolling rock upon the Brighton Music Hall crowd at the Boston Does Boston benefit. They kicked off their set with the Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents cover they recorded for Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2 and never looked back. Magnificent.
Township @ Brighton Music Hall 10.1.2011
The CD release party for Township’s latest effort, One More Summer, was a nonstop barrage of bitchin’ riffs and man hair.
I’m glad there are bands like Township in 2011. Bands that pay tribute at the altar of Thin Lizzy. Bands that embrace guitarmony. Bands that know some records sound best blasting from a car stereo with the windows down. More power to ’em.