As I was editing these photos I got word that Mellow Bravo guitarist Jeffery Fultz is moving to Boise, Idaho. We wish him the best, but this is a huge bummer for ‘Bravo fans. Sad face. The band will soldier on, of course, but we’ll miss Jeffrey’s riffs and showmanship. At least we’ve got some great memories of his time with the band, like Mellow Bravo’s set closing out last month’s big Indie Rock Ranger show at The Middle East Downstairs…
Mellow Bravo @ The Sinclair 12.21.2013
Mellow Bravo @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 9.8.2013
If you need a special guest band to put an exclamation point on an amazing night (that kicks off an amazing week) of music you could do worse than Mellow Bravo. In fact, if you picked anyone else you probably are doing worse. Proof? Mellow Bravo’s set to close out the first night of TT’s 40th Anniversary week…
Cult 45 – “Dead End Kid” @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 6.28.2013
Here’s Cult 45 kicking out some killer riffs at the TT’s benefit for Rosie’s Place.
Pics from this show here.
Cult 45 @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 6.28.2013
On the same day that the band released their “Dead End Kid” video right here on Daykamp Music TV, Cult 45 jumped on a last minute bill at TT’s to raise money for Rosie’s Place. Awesome.
Mellow Bravo @ Radio 5.3.2013
Cult 45 @ Radio 1.4.2013
How do you celebrate a new record? Do what Cult 45 did for On High. First, get Chelsea On Fire to reunite for the release show. Then get White Dynomite and Slim Lizzy* on the bill. At the end of the night you can take the stage and pummel the crowd with a fantastic set of heavy boogie. Just like Cult 45 did.
Guaranteed success.
* On the anniversary of Phil Lynott’s passing, no less.
Slim Lizzy @ Radio 1.4.2013
How do you sell out a show at Radio? Well, starting the night with Slim Lizzy certainly doesn’t hurt. Watching these guys nail the Thin Lizzy sound on the anniversary of Phil Lynott’s passing was pretty special.* Oh, how I love guitarmony.
* I guess when the show was booked no one realized the significance of the date. Sometimes awesome things happen by chance.
Mellow Bravo @ The Sinclair 12.15.2012
Mellow Bravo @ Radio 10.13.2012
Mellow Bravo had the crowd in the palm of their hand during Radio’s first anniversary. Most of the time The Hand was tossing you wildly around the room with their soulfully electric hard rock. Every once in a while The Hand took pity on you and gave you a sobering number to take in. The rest of the time The Hand Of Mellow Bravo was passing you a beer.