Remember that time back in February when Township played a killer set at Great Scott to celebrate the release of Light Years on vinyl? Here are some pictures to jog your memory…
Township @ Atwood’s Tavern 5.7.2015
Township @ Midway Cafe 3.27.2015
Township @ The Middle East Downstairs 2.7.2015
You already knew that Township rules, right? OK. Just making sure we’re clear on that. They put on another killer show at The Middle East for the Goddamn Draculas release show.
The Blue Ribbons @ Lizard Lounge 11.7.2014
The Blue Ribbons opened up the Township/Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents dual release show at The Lizard. Boy howdy, can these guys play.
Township @ Redstar Union 9.11.2014
Township @ Brighton Music Hall 12.13.2013
Where is the mystical fountain of classic riffage from whence Township drinks? The band heaved abundant slabs of rolling rock upon the Brighton Music Hall crowd at the Boston Does Boston benefit. They kicked off their set with the Jenny Dee & The Deelinquents cover they recorded for Boston Does Boston Vol. 1 & 2 and never looked back. Magnificent.
Old Soldiers Of The Prairie War @ The Middle East Upstairs 9.12.2012
Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.20.2012
Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck’s modern Americana took the 2012 Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble tiara* on Friday night. It was certainly no easy task. The band faced tough competition on all of their nights. Through it all they won over judges with well crafted songs and an astonishing display of musicianship, both individually and collectively. Swampy, dirty, twangy and heartfelt, these guys can flat out play.
Congratulations to Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck!
* In reality the Rumble tiara is more of an actual crown now.
Bow Thayer And Perfect Trainwreck @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.12.2012
These guys have to be some of the best musicians in town. Heck, Jeff Berlin’s drum check before the set started would put a lot of drummers to shame. Individually and collectively, the guys from Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck are playing at the top of their game right now. It’s impressive.
Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck take Rumble Semifinal Night #1.