Davina Yannetty @ Davis Square Theatre 6.11.2014

Davina Yannetty is funny. She sometimes sings funny songs while playing the ukulele. On this particular occasion at the Davis Square Theatre, Davina Yannetty sang two funny songs while playing the ukulele to close out a funny night that was a fundraiser for her funny uncle, Joe Yannetty, who is battling just about the least funny thing there is, cancer. If laughter is the best medicine, Joe should be better in no time.

You can contribute to the Joe Yannetty fund right here.

Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling @ Davis Square Theatre 12.6.2013

The Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling Big Band Revue* took to the Davis Square Theatre stage for some Jingle Ball Rock. The world’s only drum, bass, trombcussion and fluboe quartet might not be festive, but they are compelling.**

* At least I think that’s what they’re called these days. I may be making that up. Yes, I’m most definitely making that up.

** Probably the world’s only. I sorta made this one up, too, but it may actually be true.