Here’s Sidewalk Driver showing off why they got a nomination for Live Artist Of The Year at the 2014 Boston Music Awards.
Creaturos @ Boston Music Awards 12.14.2014
Creaturos gave the 2014 Boston Music Awards a visceral shot in the arm.
D-Tension’s Secret Project @ Boston Music Awards 12.14.2014
D-Tension brought his genre-blending Secret Project to the Theater 1 Stage of the Revere Hotel for the 2014 Boston Music Awards.
Leandro Pellegrino Boston Jazz Experiment @ Boston Music Awards 12.14.2014
The Leandro Pellegrino Boston Jazz Experiment entertained the crowd gathering at the Revere Hotel for the 2014 Boston Music Awards.
Maybe only knowing half of the Boston Music Awards nominees is a good thing.

It’s Boston Music Awards season. Time for some spirited online banter!
Discussions about who deserves to win a Boston Music Award are generally conducted with a modicum of civility. It’s usually not until after the winners are announced when things get really ugly. Talk of overlooked acts is touchier. Reactions range from understandable disappointment to vitriol revolving around conspiracy theories, systematic corruption, sacrificial rituals and secret handshakes. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids! Wait, what? Forget I said anything.

I’ll leave reporting on the above topics, including valid concerns and potential solutions, to the professionals. There’s something else that worries me. A common criticism of the Boston Music Awards goes something like this:
I’m actively involved in the Boston music scene and I’ve only heard of half of these bands.
Look, I want all of my favorite bands to get recognized, too, but you’ve got to be kidding me with this. Is this really a problem? Let’s look at it another way:
Congratulations! You know half of the Boston Music Awards nominees!
How great is that? Our music scene is so vibrant and so prolific that you, a person with a finger on the pulse and a ear to the ground, are only familiar with half of the acts. That’s incredible! What a wonderful opportunity to discover new music this is for you. Why not check out some of those artists that you’ve never heard of. Maybe you’ll even like one or two of them.
Going into the Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble the past couple of years, I’ve know about half of the bands before hand. I’ve written in the past about what an exciting prospect that is. I feel the same way about the Boston Music Awards. Doing a quick tally, it turns out I’m familiar with 45 of the 90 or so musical acts that earned nominations. Lucky me. I’ve got some listening to do.
Daykamp Music is proud and maybe a little lucky to be a 2014 Boston Music Award nominee. A vote for Daykamp Music is a vote for more Scooby Doo references in blog posts.

Pinch me! Daykamp Music has been nominated for a Boston Music Award!
In between back to back seven band bills at The Middle East Downstairs for the Pipeline! at 25 shows this past weekend, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Daykamp Music is one of the 2014 Boston Music Awards nominees for Best Music Blog.
We’re lucky around these parts to have such a vibrant music scene. Part of that is having sites like Allston Pudding, Boston Hassle, Guestlisted with Jed Gottlieb and Vanyaland spreading the word about the artists they love. I thank them for turning me on to bands I may never have known about otherwise. Being recognized alongside them? That’s pretty special.
Voting for the Boston Music Awards is now open. The link is right here. Go let them know who your favorites are. Maybe you’ll consider voting for Daykamp Music. I’d really appreciate it. Just in case you’re unsure of what to do, I included this little graphic which will certainly make Nicole Anguish over at Daykamp Creative proud.

And just because, here’s a list of a whole bunch of sites that regularly support the local music scene. Maybe your new favorite band is hiding somewhere in their pages.