I swung by TT’s to watch a stripped down version of Streight Angular prove that a good song is a good song, no matter the arrangement. This band has plenty of those good songs to use for evidence. They even used a Phil Collins song. I wish every band had Streight Angular’s heart.
Streight Angular @ The Middle East Downstairs 3.22.2014
Streight Angular @ Radio 10.13.2012
Hey everyone! Streight Angular just showed up at the Radio first anniversary show. Now it’s a party!
Mötörböat @ The Middle East Downstairs 9.8.2012
Last year, One Night Band 2 alumni Bedss came out to shut down One Night Band 3 with a drunken rousing rendition of “Cum On Feel The Noize.” This year, the drunken rowdy sing-along tradition continued. Mötörböat rocked the hell out at last year’s event. They returned to the scene of the crime to close out the 4th edition of this treasured Boston institution. Mötörböat tore through a couple of their original tunes like they had firecrackers in their pants. Then a cast of thousands* got up on stage to end the night with a drunken spirited cover of “You Shook Me All Night Long.”
* OK, a cast of tens. This included One Night Band participants past and present, organizers and, well, just about anyone else who wanted to jump on stage.
Streight Angular @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 4.7.2012
Streight Angular and their DayGlo entourage took to the TT’s stage to close out the Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble preliminary round. I couldn’t think of a better band for this slot. Streight Angular didn’t take their night, but they threw one hell of a party. Something tells me they’re OK with that…
Preliminary Night #6 Winner: Motherboar