Where ya been, Parlour Bells? Haven’t seen you around much lately. Oh, you’ve been writing some new tunes like “Celebrities On Ice?” In that case, take as much time as you need.
It’s good to have you back, though…
Boston Rock Photos And Stuff
Where ya been, Parlour Bells? Haven’t seen you around much lately. Oh, you’ve been writing some new tunes like “Celebrities On Ice?” In that case, take as much time as you need.
It’s good to have you back, though…
I hit up a Park Slug show at O’Brien’s Saturday night and was greeted with a nice surprise. Unbeknownst to me, Bong Wish was kicking off the night with a quick set of subversively catchy tunes. This fortuitous turn of events happened mere days after I was checking out the band’s too-good-not-to-be-a-theme-song theme song. Lucky me.
Nicole Anguish of Daykamp Creative has been designing some amazing posters for Rock-n-Romp Boston since the event’s re-launch back in October. When she was tapped to curate the February edition of this family friendly rock show, it was no surprise that she called upon a band that gets a lot of play in the Daykamp Empire offices. Airport opened the show with their perfect mix of pop, rock, twang and ’70s AM radio nostalgia.
Even being aware of the band’s penchant for killer harmonies after seeing them open for Imperial State Electric, I was still taken aback by the way Goddamn Draculas can blend a vocal smoothie. Toss in some big guitars and you’ve got a recipe for… ugh, this is so silly. Forget I said any of that. Wait, don’t forget the part about the killer harmonies. That part was important. Anyway, here are some pics of Goddamn Draculas at The Middle East Downstairs…
The Rationales always have a way of putting a smile on my face. At OldJack’s Holiday Homage, the band covered “Do They Know It’s Christmas” to close their set, changed up the words to one of their own tunes to make it a holiday number and released a new five song EP. See what I mean?
No snowstorm was going to keep me from seeing Sidewalk Driver at Indie Rock Ranger’s Holiday Spectacular. After all, Glamta comes but once a year…
The Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling Big Band Revue* took to the Davis Square Theatre stage for some Jingle Ball Rock. The world’s only drum, bass, trombcussion and fluboe quartet might not be festive, but they are compelling.**
* At least I think that’s what they’re called these days. I may be making that up. Yes, I’m most definitely making that up.
** Probably the world’s only. I sorta made this one up, too, but it may actually be true.