Andy California is mesmerizing. His set at The Midway last Friday was a real deal rock ‘n’ roll experience.
Double Celebration Super Party Time!
Oh! Hi. I didn’t hear you over the loud, uptempo music we’re playing here at Daykamp Music World Headquarters. Why are we causing such a commotion?* Because it’s Double Celebration Super Party Time!
We’re happy to say that Daykamp Music turned 4 years old over the weekend! Woo! That’s right, we’ve officially made it past the Terrible Twos and the Whatever-You-Call-It-When-People-Discover-That-The-Threes-Are-Probably-More-Full-Of-Tantrums-Than-The-Twos. We’re now happy, well adjusted little toddlers who can play with toys that were choking hazards just days ago. Fun! The only thing you need to worry about now is that, when we say we love you, we might just be trying to get something from you and not actually mean it. We’re growing up so fast!
Now, I know what you’re thinking: “You said it is Double Celebration Super Party Time. What else are you celebrating?” I’m glad you asked! We recently posted our 1,000nth photo set. One thousand. We crossed the mark a couple of weeks ago when we caught The Televibes at The Middle East. It’s not like we brokered world peace or anything, but we’re still pretty proud of this. There are a bunch more to come. Maybe someday we’ll even get around to posting all of the photos we took at shows before this site existed. Maybe.
OK. Enough yapping. Thanks to everyone who checks out the site. Thanks for sharing the photos and the kind words of encouragement. Thanks to all of the bands who make it worth going out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Here are some pictures…
* Just assume all of the “we”s in this post are of the royal nature. It’s just me, Johnny.
Streight Angular @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 3.19.2015
Secret Lover @ The Middle East Upstairs 3.19.2015
The Prefab Messiahs @ The Middle East Upstairs 3.19.2015
The Prefab Messiahs went to another dimension with their trippy retro-pop for the release of their new Maxi-EP at The Middle East.
The Barbazons @ The Middle East Upstairs 3.19.2015
They were one of the best bands in town as The Fagettes. They continue to be one of the best bands in town as The Barbazons. What they call themselves and why is their business. I’m just glad they’re a band.