Do you want inspiration? Do you want joy? Do you want music made with the best intentions gone wonderfully, horribly awry?
You want Streight Angular.
Boston Rock Photos And Stuff
Today is Daykamp Music’s 3rd birthday. Had I known how much work this site would be, I may never have done it. Score one for naivety. I love photographing bands in a live setting. I’m happy to have had a place to share my photos over the past few years.
Sometimes I get tired. Today I’m tired. I wanted to write some grand post about the site turning 3 years old, but I’m not sure I have it in me. I’ll have to settle for posting a few hastily chosen photos from the past year and giving thanks. Thanks for visiting the site. Thanks for sharing the photos with your friends. Thanks for caring about local music.
Another month, another sold out Rock-n-Romp at The Sinclair. These family friendly rock shows really are something special. It’s wonderful to watch bands embrace the event. Hallelujah The Hills’ set was inspiring. How can you go wrong with wonderful songs played with passion? You can’t. That’s something that all ages can appreciate.
Man Alive! opened the March edition of Rock-n-Romp with their comfort music.
Butterknife brought their exemplary indie rock songs to TT’s Wednesday night. It was great. Next month, they return to TT’s for the Rock ‘N’ Roll Rumble. I expect more greatness.