Rock-n-Romp is such a wonderful thing for rock ‘n’ roll loving families. January’s edition opened with Bent Shapes banging out off-kilter pop numbers that hooked parents and kids alike.
Will Dailey @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 1.23.2014
Hey, that Will Dailey sure can play guitar. And sing. And write songs. And find great players to play with. I think he’s onto something. You probably already knew that. Will and his band closed out a night at TT’s to benefit Revolution of Hope that was organized by Ryan’s Smashing Life and Boston Tweet.
OldJack @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 1.23.2014
Last month I got to see OldJack and Cask Mouse on back to back nights at The Sinclair. This made me happy. Last week I got to see OldJack and Cask Mouse together at TT’s raising money for Revolution of Hope as part of a show organized by the good folks at Ryan’s Smashing Life and Boston Tweet. More happiness. This time around, OldJack played their new record in reverse order. These new songs are really starting to hit their stride in a live setting.
Cask Mouse @ T.T. The Bear’s Place 1.23.2014
Still buzzing from their show at The Sinclair last month, I excitedly made my way to TT’s to catch Cask Mouse. They were wonderful. Again. Even more wonderful was that the night was a benefit for Revolution of Hope organized by Ryan’s Smashing Life and Boston Tweet. Well done, everybody.
Aloud @ Redstar Union 1.16.2014
Oh no, what have we done? Mellow Bravo are picking the Video of the Day all week on Daykamp Music TV!
File this one under things we’ll probably regret, but we’re letting Mellow Bravo pick the Video of the Day all week on Daykamp Music TV. Why? Because they’re awesome and maybe they scare us a little bit. Hey, sometimes being scared is a good thing. Especially when the band picked “More Than A Feeling” as today’s Video of the Day.
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that there’s another reason for this video takeover. You see, Mellow Bravo is playing a gigantic Indie Rock Ranger Presents show at The Middle East Downstairs with Sidewalk Driver, Goddamn Draculas, The Silks and Watts on Friday night. That’s a great bill. You should go.
Crazy good Mellow Bravo show event page

Airport @ Redstar Union 1.16.2014
Ryan Schmidt @ Redstar Union 1.16.2014
Ryan Schmidt is moving to Nashville. Actually, he may already be there. Or maybe he’s in a car driving there right now. Hold on. Now I’m curious. Anyway, Ryan has been making noteworthy music in these parts and will be missed. Before leaving*, Mr. Schmidt managed to sneak onto one last bill at Redstar Union. As a going away present, just for me, he played “White Horse.”** Thank you, Ryan. Good luck.
* Have we determined if he’s gone yet?
** Not just for me, but I may have been a little more excited to hear that song than I should have.